14-Day Core Challenge Trailer
Improve posture, feel more balanced, aligned, and stronger in 14 days! Julie Bailis leads you in a creative, functional, and easily modified core challenge program to help you improve posture, increase balance, and have you feeling more aligned and stronger in 14 days!

Intro. to The Pelvic Floor
Julie Bailis demonstrates how to tilt the pelvis and to engage the pelvic floor so that you can get the most out of the 14-Day Core Challenge. Watching this video is optional, but highly recommended if you would like to strengthen your pelvic floor.

Day 1
Welcome to Day 1 of the 14-Day Core Challenge. Spend time on technique & then get moving!
Julie leads you in supine toe taps, bird/dogs, and lots of kicking get you started on Day 1 of a 14-Day adventure to a stronger, leaner, more balanced you. Seated modifications are also introduced in this practice. You can do it!

Day 2
Join Julie for Day 2 of the 14-Day Core Challenge. Better align your plank & learn ways to modify it too!
Plank Shoulder Taps, side crunches, hip lifts, and flutter kicks will get your heart beating and hey-you might even get to meet Kevin Bunny if you make it all 3 rounds!

Day 3
Day 3 includes lateral twists, kicks, punches, and toe-tapping planks. Yes, you will be challenged. Yes, you will sweat a bit, but remember to choose the modification that is best for you and work it because tomorrow is a rest day. Get ready for a treat. You are doing GREAT! Keep it up!