Custom Workshops
I offer various workshops ranging from topics of Meditation, Yoga, Stress Management, & Reflexology for Caregivers.
I can create the workshop that is best suited for your group.
You can contact at to check on my availability and rates.
My most popular workshop is: “Meditation for Newbies”. You can learn more below.
Meditation for Newbies
Many people are aware of the benefits of meditation (improved focus, better sleep, more clarity, better work performance, less stress, improved immunity…).
However, many people feel intimdated by meditation.
I often here people say things like:
“I can’t stop my thoughts!”
“I can’t sit still!”
“I tried that app. It didn’t work.”
I understand! I am here to offer you an alternative.
I am happy to tell you that meditation doesn’t need to be stillness and quiet.
There are mulitple ways to experience meditation and mindfullness. During my Meditation Workshops you and your participants will have the opportunity to experience various meditation techniques.
By the end of the workshop, they will most likely discover a practice that is perfect for them.
Please contact me at
I look forward to re-framing the definition of wellness to your group and helping them realize that wellness is not only important, but possible and easier than we think.