Curious about Powerlifting? I was. Now I’m competing in my first Powerlifting meet. Here’s how that happened.
Julie’s Adventures in Powerlifting (Part 1)
This is a pic of me lifting weights. I am not powerlifting, but it was the only picture I could find of me lifting. You get the idea. The cutie in the background is my husband. He’s awesome. The photo was taken at my favorite CrossFit gym, True Athletics in Hamden, CT. Thanks, Coach Moe you have helped me be a better coach.
I was out to dinner with some friends celebrating my 48th year, and my friend, Dana (let’s call her Fun Dana, because she is always doing something fun) was wearing a bracelet. It looked like one of those bracelets you get at a beer tasting or a concert.
I asked Fun Dana where she went that day, and Fun Dana couldn’t remember.
“I know I did something fun,” she said.
You’ve got to love that. She had so much fun that day that she couldn’t remember which fun thing required her to wear that plastic bracelet.
After another sip of wine, she remembered.
“I went to a powerlifting meet, and it was super fun!”
Her teenage daughter had been interested in entering a powerlifting competition, but Fun Dana wanted to see what it was like beforehand (she’s “Fun, but Cautious Dana” sometimes), so she and her daughter went to a local competition.
She said it was a blast—lots of cheering, camaraderie, and community. Everyone was doing their own thing, working on beating and setting their personal records (PR’s). She also noted that people of all shapes, sizes, and ages were there. It was not only super fun, but “super positive.”
My ears perked up.
I don’t know about you, but birthdays always get me thinking about my bucket list. I love bucket lists.
“Compete in a Weightlifting Competition” had been on my bucket list at one point in my life, but then life got busy.
Surely this conversation was not random. I hear you loud and clear, Universe!
Now was the time!
Questions like…
“Am I too old to powerlift?”
“Will I be good at it?”
“How long does it take to train for a meet?”
“Would I have to wear one of those crazy unitards?”
… did not even enter my mind.
Hell, at that point, I didn’t even know which lifts were involved in a Powerlifting meet, but I didn’t care.
All I knew was that by the end of the night, I was in going to compete in my first powerlifting meet.
Bring. It. On.
Next Step: Find Help
Being a coach and personal trainer, you might think I would decide to take on my training alone.
Quite the opposite!
Sure, I know how to lift weights, but my specialty is helping middle-aged humans move better, feel better, and live better through personal training and health coaching.
Could I create my own powerlifting program, monitor my own progress, and know what to do on the day of the meet?
Hell no.
I knew that getting a coach who specialized in powerlifting would be my next step.
So, like a good student, the following week, I set out to find a gym that specialized in powerlifting, and by Friday, I had signed a 3-month contract for semi-private coaching sessions focusing on powerlifting.
I’ve been training for about six weeks now, and I have to admit that I absolutely love it (more on that in a future blog post).
Since that first night, I have learned a lot about myself, powerlifting, and the importance of great coaching. I know the learning will only continue.
Stay tuned to learn more about my Adventures in Powerlifting.
Here’s a sneak peek of some of my upcoming topics
How Powerlifting is like Meditation
How Coaching is like a Jet Plane & Not a Party Bus
Why a 48-Year-old Woman would sign up for her first Powerlifting Meet
As you can see, I’m all fired up about this new journey and can’t wait to share the deets with you.
In the meantime, get outside, move every day, stay hydrated, turn up the music, sing in your cars, and get a coach or personal trainer if you want to improve your health or try a new physical endeavor.
About Julie
Julie Bailis is a Personal Trainer, Health & Wellness Coach & owner of Mountain View Wellness LLC. Through Mountain View Wellness, Julie creates in-person and virtual wellness programs that help her clients create and sustain healthy lifestyles using fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness.
Julie’s programs empower her clients physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether your goals are to improve your health, create healthy habits, lose weight, increase balance, or move with more joy and less pain, Julie can help you.
Julie offers Custom Personal Training and Remote Health Coaching & Accountability Programs.
Email or book an exploratory coaching call with Julie and learn about how she can help you create and sustain a new, healthy lifestyle that lasts.
Julie is also available for public speaking events, workshops, and seminars.
Email Julie at for more information on specialty programs.