The Mountain View Story
I may have looked happy, but I just wasn’t able to enjoy life. I didn’t feel like myself.
My story of transformation and wellness began about 10 years ago.
Back then I was a busy mom of two with a husband that traveled A LOT!
I remember one day in particular. Driving in the car with both of my little ones in the back. It was a bright and sunny day. A beautiful day.
I was living “the perfect life” some might say.
All of a sudden a very dark thought entered my mind,
“What if I just drove my car into the water and hit a reset button?”
My thought didn’t end there.
I then thought, “Well I should probably drop my kids off first.”
Then my thoughts went like this:
“If I did this, it might be hard, but my husband could get a new, happier wife.”
“My kids would be sad, but they, too, could get a new, happier mom. A mom who would actually enjoy playing with them.”
I became aware of these thoughts.
It was as if I was in a movie and the camera actually pulled back giving me a bird’s eye point of view.
I became aware of these unusual thoughts and then I responded thoughtfully.
I mindfully drove home and spoke to my husband that evening about my experience (every dark, guilty detail).
Keep in mind, like so many of our own thoughts, that whole cascade of darkness took a matter of seconds to happen in my mind. They were a quick succession of ideas that had gotten my attention.
I hadn’t been planning on driving myself and my children into the local reservoir, but I had become aware that it flashed in my mind!
I knew it wasn’t normal and I knew I need to do something about it.
That night while I was talking with my husband I became aware of a lot of things:
I hadn’t been happy for about a year.
I hadn’t been able to enjoy being a mom.
I was always thinking about chores that needed to be done around the house.
And most importantly:
When was the last time I did something nourishing for myself?
When my husband gave me afternoons “off” I found myself driving to the Stop and Shop parking lot and just sitting. I didn’t enjoy anything and I definitely didn’t enjoy shopping! How could I enjoy shopping if I was making no money?
It was that week that I started attending yoga classes o Thursday nights.
At first, going to class was just another excuse to get out of the house.
Me, ten years later. I have no regrets.
Then I began to feel my body again. I was beginning to be able to get out of my head and get into my body (I theme still love to talk about).
I started feeling better physically and feeling better emotionally.
A few short months later I found myself on the kitchen floor actually playing with an adorable daughter. Not worrying about chores or what to cook. I was actually playing with her and cherishing our time together.
That yoga class was just the beginning of my love of all things wellness and my deep exploration of yoga, meditation, Reflexology, and so much more.
I have since gone on to become a Yoga & Meditation teacher, A National Board Certified Reflexologist, a Qigong Group Leader, and a fitness/wellness expert.
Beyond the certifications and training, I am someone who has experienced depression, darkness, and negative thought patterns.
AND I have come out on the other side even better for it.
I have owned my own brick-and-mortar wellness center and as much as I loved building our in-person community, creating my own Lifestyle Network has broken open my world in a deep and unlimited way.
I can now offer content that gets me fired up and excited about being alive.
It is my hope that each video helps you transform in ways that you find healing and empowering. Whether it be a fitness video, a guided meditation, an inspirational talk, or a talk about gardening or jarring your own food.
I hope that you find a way to feel hopeful and not just grateful, but joyful about being alive, about being you.
“Shift your perspective + Enjoy the view”
It is my hope that the Mountain View Network helps you shift your perspective and helps you enjoy your view.
No go out there and kick butt.
If you want to learn more about me, about my wellness network, and meet more people who want to live a Mountain View way of life, you can:
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About Julie now
Julie Bailis is a Health & Wellness Coach & owner of Mountain View Wellness LLC. Through Mountain View Wellness, Julie creates in-person and virtual wellness programs that help her clients create and sustain healthy lifestyles using fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness.
Julie’s programs empower her clients physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether your goals are to improve posture, lose weight, increase balance, or move with more joy and less pain, Julie can help you.
Email or book an exploratory coaching call with Julie and learn about how she can help you create and sustain a new, healthy lifestyle that lasts! pull-up, Julie can help you.
Julie is also available for public speaking events, workshops, and seminars.
Email Julie at for more information on specialty programs.