Posts tagged powerlifting
Julie's Adventures in Powerlifting- Heading to Nationals, Baby! (part 4)

One year and 2 months ago, I got this crazy idea of training for and competing in my first powerlifting meet. Since then, I have competed in two meets, I hold the state records for my age and weight classes (two different weight classes, yes), and now I am going to Las Vegas to compete in Nationals!  

You see, over the last year, I have learned so much about not only powerlifting but also about myself, my older body, the importance of exercise for this older body, and the power of community.

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Julie’s Adventures in Powerlifting (Part 3): My First Powerlifing Meet

Six months ago, I decided to compete in my first (and possibly only) powerlifting competition. It was a bucket list kind of idea. I had some background in lifting but no experience with powerlifting-specific training. All I knew was that I would need a coach. So that was my first step.

Finding a Coach
I asked around a bit and was directed to Revolution Fitness (the gym) and Resilient Training Lab (the coaches who program). I met Paul, the owner. He has a great laugh, tons of experience with powerlifting, and a team of experienced coaches. I knew that Paul and his team could help me prep for the meet. So, in April, I officially started my training (3 days/week).

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