Let's Talk about Pelvic Floor Health with Lisa Gramlich, PT

What is the pelvic floor, what does it do, and why is it important?

What are signs of pelvic floor problems? In other words, how do I know if I have pelvic floor issues?

What is a pelvic floor therapist? What do they do? How do they help?

What are a few simple things we can do to ensure a healthy pelvic floor?

In this interview, Lisa Gramlich , PT.

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Hamantaschen: not good for you, but damn good

Hamantaschen Recipe

Delicious sugar cookie taste filled with sweet jelly. Make on Purim or make every day!

For full disclosure, I usually double the recipe because I like to give these cookies away to friends and neighbors. They are delicious and people love them. So, go ahead and double the recipe… It’s real-life math and double the love.

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Improving Posture with Microbreaks & Breathing

With more and more people working from home and sitting in front of computers all day long is rising. Due to those long hours in front of the computer, many people are experiencing pain and fatigue. Dr. Armand Gagliardi, DC (Dr. AJ) of Southern Connecticut Joint & Muscle in Branford, defines "good" posture and demonstrates a few "microbreaks" you can take throughout the day to keep to healthy, happy, and alert!

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Self Hand Reflexology Demonstration & Ways to Keep Your Body Tension-Free & Healthy

As a Professional Reflexologist & Yoga Teacher, students and clients often ask me to show them hand stretches to alleviate hand, wrist, and finger pain. As a result of these requests, I decided to make a video of me demonstrating a few Hand Reflexology techniques that you can use throughout the day to keep your hands, wrists, and fingers healthy and help you reduce anxiety and neck pain.

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My Silver Story & How to Go Gray Gracefully

Julie Bailis interviews Libby Wamser, owner, and stylist at Salon Metta. The two discuss the challenges & benefits of "going natural", society's pressure on women to color, and various ways to transition to silver. The conversation is timely and lively. What a way to start the new Wisdom Wednesday interviews! This will be the first of our "Wisdom Wednesdays" interviews where Julie Bailis interviews Wellness Professionals & Progressive Thinkers. Topics will range include but aren't limited to quick fitness, meditation, gardening, homesteading, wellness, food, and aging gracefully.

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